La Rambla? Las Ramblas?

After a full morning at the Sagrada Família, we decided that we’d spend the rest of the day rambling around the Ramblas. (I’m sure I’m the first person that has ever said that.) La Rambla is a wide, tree-lined street that forms the western-ish edge of the Barri Gòtic, the Gothic section of Barcelona that we’re staying in. Many folks say that you must visit La Rambla. Many others says you must visit Las Ramblas. Apparently either is correct. We walked down to La Rambla (the tree lined street part) and decided that there are only so many jewelry stores, fashion sunglasses shops, and galleries with 4 vases and two paintings in glass-enclosed brick spaces that one can take in, so we instead retreated back into the Barri Gòtoc and wended our way along the labyrinths that masquerade as streets and see what we could find. The answer is just about anything you could imagine, from gelato shops to trinket sellers to sidewalk cafes to remains of the Muralla Romana to the Erotica Museum. (There were no windows.)

So, a few street scenes.

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